Monclova Township is under the jurisdiction of the Monclova Township Zoning Resolution, which is administered and enforced by the Zoning Department (419-865-7857 or ewagner@monclovatwp.org).
Before relocating or constructing any building, addition, deck, fence or pool, the property owner or his/her agent must obtain a zoning permit from the Zoning Office. Forms are available online. The completed application must be submitted to the Zoning Office, 4335 Albon Road, with an original signature and correct fee prior to the Zoning Department processing your application. Permits are not issued on a walk-in basis. Staff will contact you by telephone when the permit is available to be picked up.
After receiving an approved zoning permit, a building permit may be necessary (Lucas County Building Department 419-213-2990).
48 hours before you dig call the Ohio Underground Protection Service (OUPS) at 8-1-1. Crews will mark utility lines, gas lines, etc. to assure your safety and prevent accidents.
Zoning Board of Zoning Appeals
Applications for a Variance (from the requirements of the Zoning Resolution) or for an Exception (a use or activity not normally allowed within the Zoning Resolution) are filed with the Monclova Township Zoning Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Board members are township residents, appointed by the Trustees, each serving a five year term.
All meetings are open to the public and held as needed on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 PM.
Monclova Township Meeting Room, 4335 Albon Road, Monclova, OH 43542
Zoning Commission
An application for a zoning change or text amendment can be filed with the Monclova Township Zoning Administrator on behalf of the Zoning Commission. A request is first reviewed by the Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commission, then by the Zoning Commission, both boards giving a recommendation of approval or denial. Final determination is given by the Monclova Township Board of Trustees.
All meetings are open to the public and held as needed on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 PM.
Monclova Township Meeting Room, 4335 Albon Road. Monclova, OH 43542
Questions can be directed to ewagner@monclovatwp.org.
Fees Structure Fee Schedule click here – Zoning Fee Schedule All Checks should be made out to “Monclova Township.”
Permit Application Forms – Click Here
Public Officials Questionnaire – Interested in serving your community on a Zoning Board? Click here for the required form: Public Officials Questionnaire
Zoning Resolution – Click Here
Comprehensive Plan (aka Land Use Plan) – Click Here
Zoning Map/County link – Click Here
Use-Related Information Request – Use Related Information