Public Policies
Door-to-Door Solicitation – Monclova Township issues permits and performs background checks through the Lucas County Sheriff’s Department for those individuals or groups wanting to sell goods or services door-to-door. Transient Vendor Regulation
Noise Resolution – The Board of Trustees enacted a resolution which prohibits noise disturbances. That term is defined as any loud, unnecessary or unreasonable noise which disturbs the peace or quiet of any neighborhood; or which causes discomfort or annoyance to persons in the area of the noise. Noise Resolution
Enforcement is provide by the Lucas County Sheriff’s Department. Call 9-1-1.
Barking & Howling Dog – Board of Trustees prohibits the keeping or harboring of barking or howling dogs in a manner which disturbs the peace and lives of residents. Enforcement is provided by Lucas County Sheriff’s Department. Call 9-1-1. To view Barking or Howling Dogs Policy, click here.
Parking – On-Street Parking Regulations enacted by the Board of Trustees in May, 2019 to assist in public safety and general welfare. This regulates apparent storage of vehicles, recreational vehicles, trailers, commercial vehicles and trailers (except for loading/unloading). For more information, click here.
Records – For more information on the records policies of the Township, click on the subject you are interested in. Submit your form to Monclova Township, 4335 Albon Road, Monclova OH 43542. Records Retention Schedule, Records Policy, Request Form for Records or Fee Schedule.
Road Closure Policy – Parameter for which local groups may request temporary partial road closures of township roads. Submit to Monclova Township, 4335 Albon Road, Monclova OH 43542 – Street Closing Policy & Form.
Internet Auction – The Township offers surplus equipment at
Code of Conduct in Public Meetings – Code of Conduct.