Fiscal Office

Gavin S. Pike
Monclova Township Fiscal Officer
Contact Gavin S. Pike
Office 419-865-7862, ext. 2013

Fiscal Officer Pike graduated from Hillsdale College where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting. He is a formerly practicing CPA and commercial banker.  He now has ownership interest in various small businesses and operates within his expertise in the township’s CFO role.  As Fiscal Officer, Mr. Pike strongly believes in transparency in government and open communication with constituents. He believes in the responsibility of being overseers of taxpayers’ money and as public servants exploring options to manage and administer public services.  He encourages any resident or business owner to contact him directly with any concerns or suggestions regarding township business.


Monclova Township’s form of government provides for four elected positions.  Three trustees are the primary decision-makers, entrusted with the legislative functions of the township.  This includes the primary categories of roads, fire protection, cemeteries, zoning, police protection, and waste disposal.  Legal requirements for the duties of the Board of Trustees and Fiscal Officer are set forth in the Ohio Revised Code.

The trustees represent the community based on their intimate knowledge of their constituents, the needs of the area, and their personal dedication.  This enables our township government to offer more personal service than any other unit of government. The most important thing to remember is that the trustees are here to serve you. 

The Township’s Fiscal Officer is the township’s fiduciary representative.  Your Fiscal Officer is charged with the main duties of preparing financial statements, maintaining the general ledger, preparing warrants and payments, and being the custodian of township records.

Allocation of Tax Dollars

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